Greetings, my name is Glen. I am a Lumen® and a Power Figure dog. My ancestors were all Wicklow Terriers and renowned for doing what is called the Glen sit. When I was a puppy, a misguided man tried to train me harshly. The Creator gave me a gift to protect myself and later I passed this gift to my good friend Seymour. You can relive those moments in the story called Earth Won and explore caves with passages to far away places. This is how I found my other good friend Ruby and helped her meet Seymour. See how I come back in future stories to help others in The Great Awakening, The Path to Xanadu, and The Ultimate Weapon. All these stories are fre to download by going to home page and click on book you would like to read. Would you like to be my friend?
I can glow for hours to chase the darkness by just being charged for a few minutes. My mission is to help everyone fight the darkness in this world with unconditional love. I also love to be with Robyn the robot and my master Seymour, who are on the same mission. We can all let our little lights shine and keep our planet safe by making love come first. Come back soon and we can talk again.